Top Ten Billing Secrets

(845) 496-0772

Accounts Receivable Billing and Collections

November 28, 2013 by  
Filed under Blog

Who is doing your billing, accounts receivables and collections?  Is it you, or do you have someone else doing this job? The people making the calls, doing the billing, and managing this part of your business MUST have the right personality.  I have seen companies perform poorly; lose customers and revenue because it was not a match. Your billing person can know how to “do it all” but lack real effectiveness when speaking to people in a way that causes them to pay.

On the other hand, you may have a person who is sincere and would execute the job perfectly, but they just need proper training. Learn to identify who has the talent for this task. Find people with a positive personality and while it’s preferably individuals with collection experience, you might find someone great with no experience. Almost 25 years ago, I was hired to work for the first time at a collection agency. I had no prior collection experience but after my first year I was one of the top 10 collectors in a company of over 700 employees and increased market share for major credit card companies by 2.4% nationally. I remember my supervisor telling me later that he thought I would never last. I used collection techniques that produced results and quickly became a supervisor and trainer. My strategies became the leading methods used by collectors in that agency. I continued my experience and went on to create a new multi-million dollar collection agency which had great success collecting some of the most difficult accounts.

Since 1989, CJM Billing Solutions, Inc. has produced millions of dollars for fortune 500 companies as well as small businesses.  Enjoy greater revenue through efficiency and proven methods. Christopher Mangan is the author of Top 10 Billing Secrets and he has been shown to increase earnings as much as 27% annually and companies are amazed. They had no idea such changes could be made. They spent years doing the same thing over and over and never realized their loss. Don’t you think it’s time to enjoy greater success?



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